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  • Writer's pictureJohn Schwartz

Embracing the Tripods: AKC Announces Pilot Program for AKC Rally.

Get ready to wag those tails as AKC announces a groundbreaking new pilot program that celebrates diversity and inclusion like never before. Starting July 1, 2023, this 18-month initiative will welcome tripod dogs to the Rally ring, ensuring that dogs, despite not having four legs, and their humans, have a chance to come play this awesome game. It's time to celebrate the triumphs of our resilient three-legged friends and embrace a Rally community becoming more inclusive and more diverse so let’s welcome our tripod friends and their handlers to AKC Rally!

Embracing Tripod Marvels

We all know that tripod dogs are superheroes in disguise, and now AKC Rally is giving them a platform to showcase their extraordinary abilities. These resilient canines, with their three-legged charm, will no longer be left on the sidelines. They get to conquer the Rally ring and show the world that determination knows no bounds. Get ready for a paw-some display of determination, skill, and a little bit of tripod swagger.


AKC Rally's pilot program isn't just about tripod dogs; it's about creating a more inclusive and welcoming environment for more furry competitors and their humans. By eliminating the jumping requirements, the AKC is saying, “Hey, all dogs are welcome here!” It's a move that breaks down barriers and opens the door for new participants. AKC Rally is the place where every dog can shine.

Creating Bonds Through Rally

The introduction of this pilot program isn't just about the dogs; it's about the bond between handlers and their incredible companions. Together, they get to navigate Rally courses, conquer challenges, and create unforgettable memories. It's a reminder that true success isn't measured solely by the number of legs but by the strength of the partnership. Beyond that even is the enrichment and joy found in training, and the friendships made being part of the dog sports community.


The inclusion of tripod dogs in AKC Rally isn't just a milestone; it should be a source of inspiration for the entire dog-loving and dog sports communities. These three-legged wonders remind us that differences make us unique and that limitations are merely hurdles to overcome. The determination and unwavering spirit should inspire us all to see beyond physical appearances and focus on the incredible talents that lie within every dog.

I hope the impact of AKC Rally's pilot program extends beyond the Rally ring. It sets a paw-sitive example for other dog sports, encouraging them to embrace diversity and celebrate the exceptional abilities of all dogs and the dedication of their humans.

As the countdown begins to July 1, 2023, we eagerly anticipate the launch of AKC Rally's pilot program, where tripod dogs will take their well-deserved place in the spotlight. This new chapter in Rally's history marks a triumph for diversity, inclusivity, and the incredible bond between humans and their furry friends.

My Rally Coach has the latest AKC Rally Regulations Guidebook at your fingertips, no internet required!

Here is the pink-insert update:


Rally Regulations
Effective July 1, 2023

18-month Tripod Dog Fit to Compete Pilot Program
Approved by the AKC Board of Directors
May 5, 2023


Section 12. Dogs Eligible to Compete. As used in these regulations, the word “dog” refers to either sex but only to dogs that are eligible for entry in AKC events. Dogs with a PAL (Purebred Alternative Listing), or AKC Canine Partners number must be spayed or neutered in order to compete. A dog that is deaf may compete in any rally trial. Tripod dogs may compete in classes that do not require the dog to jump.

Section 17. Disqualification, Ineligibility, Excusal, and Change in Appearance of Dogs. If an ineligible dog has been entered in any licensed or member rally trial, the name of the owner on the entry form is not the person(s) who actually owned the dog at the time entries closed, the dog is shown in a class for which it has not been entered, the dog is entered in the same class more than once, or the dog’s entry is unacceptable to the AKC, all resulting awards will be cancelled. Any time a judge marks a dog “Disqualified” or “Excused” the judge must state the reason in the judge’s book and will give the superintendent or show or trial secretary a brief report of the dog’s actions. The judge’s book will be submitted to the AKC with the report of the show or trial.

A dog that is blind or has been changed in appearance for cosmetic reasons (other than changes customarily approved for its breed) may not compete in any rally trial and will be disqualified. Blind means without useful vision. The judge will not obtain the opinion of a veterinarian.

The judge must disqualify any dog that attempts to attack any person in the ring and fill out the required “Disqualification for Attacking” form (AEDSQ1).

When a dog has been disqualified under this section as being blind, for having been changed in appearance for cosmetic reasons, or for having attacked or attempted to attack a person in the ring, all awards made to the dog at the trial will be cancelled by the AKC. The dog may not again compete unless the owner applies for and receives reinstatement.

The judge must excuse a dog that attacks another dog and fill out the required “Dog on Dog Attack” form (AEDSQ3). The owner of any dog that has been excused on two occasions for attacking or attempting to attack another dog will be notified that the dog is no longer eligible to be shown in any AKC event. Such dogs are ineligible to be on the grounds of an AKC event unless and until, following application for reinstatement by the owner to the American Kennel Club, the owner receives official notification in writing from the AKC that the dog’s eligibility has been reinstated. The judge must excuse a dog that appears dangerous to other dogs.

Any dog whose appearance has been surgically altered to correct a congenital or hereditary defect may participate in rally trials provided that dog has been neutered or spayed. Spayed bitches, monorchid, cryptorchid or castrated dogs, and dogs that have disqualifying conformation faults may compete in rally trials, if eligible under these regulations.

Dogs disfigured as the result of accident, injury, or illness are eligible to compete provided the disfigurement does not interfere with functional movement. A dog that shows no signs of physical discomfort is to be considered fit to compete. The judge must excuse a dog as “unfit to compete” if the dog demonstrates sickness, discomfort, or pain while performing.

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