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  • Writer's pictureJohn Schwartz

AKC Rally Sign Description Change

Sign 108 - Offset Figure 8

AKC Regulations – Amended to June 29, 2023

Working around food or toy distractions in the Offset Figure 8 can be really challenging. Good news for those whose dogs are food motivated — you no longer need to worry about “securely covered containers with tempting dog treats,” as it has been removed from the sign description. If your dog is toy motivated, well that’s still a thing.

So, what happened? The AKC updated the rules.

The AKC periodically updates Rally Regulations. Many rule changes (and corrections) first appear as colored inserts to the Rally Regulations, then they’re committed to the main body of the rule book at the next printing. What often flies under the radar, sometimes changes occur to sign descriptions, and I have yet to see a sign description change appear as a colored insert first — and seldom are they announced to the average Rally exhibitor.

At a trial in early 2020 many exhibitors were performing a sign incorrectly not realizing the sign description had changed. (There were several updated sign descriptions in the November 2019 printing of the AKC Rally Regulations and one of those signs was on the course that day.)

The judge asked why so many exhibitors were performing the sign as they were. It was discovered that’s how they interpreted the sign description, not realizing it had changed. The judge then showed the most recent printing of the rule book, pointing out the document number and printing date in the bottom corner of the outside back cover of the book, indicating it was a clue to look further. Even though the “Amended to” date was the same as the previous printing, he opened to the sign description and showed the changes in wording to that sign — which changed how it was to be performed, (or at least interpreted). What a lesson!

My Rally Coach has current sign descriptions and AKC Rally Regulations Guidebook at your fingertips!

When I found out the AKC recently reprinted the Rally Regulations book, I checked the obvious things like the “Amended to” date on the cover, (it had changed), the colored inserts, (there are several), then I went through the sign descriptions — I found a change.

In this latest printing of the Rally Regulations, (only) one sign description changed and that’s Sign 108 – Offset Figure 8. While this change is minor, in that it doesn’t alter how the sign is to be performed, it changes the options for distractions.

The distractions for Sign 108 – Offset Figure 8 will now be Dog Safe toys as the only option. “Securely covered containers with tempting treats” has been removed from the sign description, so it's no longer an option.

Here is the updated complete sign description that includes “Dog safe toys will be used for distractions” and it's a principal part...

108. Offset Figure 8 – This sign requires two pylons spaced about 6–8 feet apart. The two distractions will be placed to the sides about 5-6 feet apart. The Figure 8 may be entered with the pylons on either the left or right side. The dog and handler will perform a complete Figure 8 together around the pylons, crossing the center line three times without disturbing the distractions. Dog safe toys will be used for distractions.

Stay alert to changes so you don't lose points with outdated information. Always have the most up-to-date sign descriptions and the AKC Rally Regulations at your fingertips with MyRallyCoach app.

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