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  • Writer's pictureJohn Schwartz

AKC Rally Regulations Green Insert – Effective March 1, 2023

The latest (Green Insert) update to the AKC Rally Regulations is an excellent reminder that we’re being judged from the moment we enter the ring until the moment we exit the ring. The updated rules aren't significant. Provisions have been added for a non-qualifying score (NQ), in the event a dog leaves its handler, isn’t responding or a steward has been instructed to block the dog to prevent it from leaving the ring.

My Rally Coach has the latest AKC Rally Regulations Guidebook at your fingertips, no internet required!

Here are the updated rules, (the underlined portions are new):



Section 33. Stewards. Judges are in sole charge of their rings until their assignments are completed. Stewards are provided to assist but may act only on the judge’s instructions. They must not give information or instructions to owners and handlers except when the judge asks them to do so. Any request from an exhibitor for special consideration must be directed to the judge.

It is the judge’s responsibility to review with the stewards their duties, and the way those duties are to be performed. When a dog leaves its handler to leave the ring, the stewards’ safety is a priority, and they must be advised not to reach for or grab a dog to stop it. At a show with ring gating, if the stewards are near the open gate area when a dog leaves its handler, and the dog is not responding to its handler’s commands, the judge may advise the stewards to block the gate to prevent the dog from leaving the ring if it is safe to do so. The dog will then be released from the ring.


Section 19. Misbehavior. The handler is required to enter and exit the ring with the dog under control and without jumping, pulling, or tugging on the leash. Any display of fear or nervousness by the dog must be penalized according to the seriousness of the misbehavior, whether it occurs during or between a sign or before or after judging. The penalty for misbehavior will be deducted from the total score. The judge may release the dog from further competition in the class. A dog must be released for uncontrolled behavior such as excessive barking or running away from its handler.

If a dog is working smartly and continuously but goes outside a ring boundary while performing (as opposed to a dog that bolts out of the ring), the penalty, if any, is left to the discretion of the judge. A dog who leaves its handler to leave the ring, who is not responding to its handler, and/or the stewards have blocked the dog to keep it in the ring, must receive a non-qualifying (NQ) score and must be released from the ring.

The judge must disqualify any dog that attacks or attempts to attack any person in the ring and complete the Disqualification for Attacking form (AEDSQ1). Any dog that attacks another dog or that appears dangerous to other dogs must be excused from the ring. The judge must complete the Dog on Dog Attack form (AEDSQ3) if there was an attack.

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