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My Rally Coach covers all the AKC Rally® signs that’ll help get you from Start to Finish, but that’s not all, it also covers topics that’ll help you and your dog be better prepared for trialing, to get you from the Crate to the Gate and into the ring — more confidently!


Rally is like learning a language. My Rally Coach provides in-depth hints and diagrams making signs easier to understand and Rally School provides additional content to really boost your fluency.

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Awesome Content

AKC Rally Sign Reference

My Rally Coach has you covered with up-to-date sign descriptions, links to AKC YouTube video demonstrations, a visual indicator for stationary signs and which classes each sign may appear — including Rally Choice, coming in June 2023.

Favorites and Categories

For quick, easy reference, signs are organized by level and sorted into 13 categories. Additionally, each sign can be tagged three different ways to isolate for even more focused attention, “Signs on My Course,” “My Favorites,” and “My Least Favorites.”

AKC Rally Regulations

There is only one true source for AKC Rally Rules and Sign Descriptions — that is the official AKC Rally Regulations Rulebook. So it's always handy, even without an internet connection, it's in there too!

 Save Points, Q's & Entry Fees – Subscribe to Unlock Hints and Rally School

Hints and Diagrams

For deeper understanding of signs and how to perform them, subscribers have access to detailed instructional hints, many include diagrams to make things easier to visualize. Hints also include the most common handler errors and additional details based on sign type. The extra details really come in handy at a trial when you need a little more clarity — and for instructors you might find new ways to make things easier for your students to understand.

Rally School

If you want to be a great teammate, you need to be fluent in more than just signs. Do you know what it takes to prepare your dog to trial? Do you know when you should or shouldn’t retry a sign, or how to get the most out of your course walkthrough, do you understand what the principal parts of the signs are or what commands you can or can’t give? These are just some of the topics covered in the Rally School section.

Here's feedback from testers...

from an AKC Rally Judge and Instructor...

“Wow. This is fabulous! It is so detailed they probably don’t need a class. Things I liked the best were the cue pictures which is a tough concept for students to understand. This was a massive undertaking.”

from an experienced Rally participant...

“My favorite aspect is the Hint section for each Exercise — your wording for each is so clear it's like having an instructor by my side while practicing - exactly what I need”

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